Developing Confidence as a Designer | Lauren Currie, OBE

Lauren Currie, OBE, is also known as Red Jotter

Lauren Currie, OBE, is also known as Red Jotter


Developing our confidence as designers isn’t just for our own benefit. Sometimes, it can be the driving factor in getting important ideas heard and growing our impact as a designers. 

Lauren is Head of Design at Good Lab in London and the founder of #UPFRONT - an organization that exists to change confidence. She talks about her mission to help designers gain the confidence to change the world. You can sign up to her online course in authentic confidence for women here.

Since the recording of this episode, Lauren has been honored by the UK government with an OBE award (Order of the British Empire). Congrats, Lauren!

A lot of us not having confidence comes from us not being kind to ourselves. You can’t change the world if you’re exhausted. Be kind to yourself and know that it’s always a work in progress.
— Lauren Currie, OBE


Lauren Currie speaks at TEDx Brum

Lauren Currie speaks at TEDx Brum

Lauren's online course on confidence

Lauren Currie TEDx BRUM talk: It’s time to be up front

Lauren Currie TEDx Dundee talk: #upfront

Lauren Currie: The Science of Doing Good

Amy Cuddy TED Talk: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

Connect with Lauren

Twitter: @redjotter


Design Challenge

In the spirit of #UPFRONT, how might we help someone else develop their confidence? The next time you’re in an audience or in a meeting or in a situation when someone is speaking, smile and nod and be enthusiastic, to encourage them. Or approach speakers after the event and give them specific feedback about their talk.  

Bonus challenge: If you are a speaker, consider joining the #UPFRONT revolution. Here’s how it works - a speaker agrees to be “#UPFRONT” and allows 2-3 people to sit on the stage with him/her, to get a feel for what it’s like to experience the stage without the pressure of performing. If you are interested in being an #UpFront speaker, contact Lauren and her team.

I also mentioned in the episode that I would love feedback about the show! So please fill out the listener survey and let me know what you think!

Marina Terteryan